Be True To Your Heart

June 20, 2017

Be True To Your Heart

This morning I found myself constantly pondering over the words above. So I asked myself; Am I being untrue to my heart? Have I stopped doing those things that give me Joy? What are those things that make me who I am? 

Be true to your heart.

Hello there! Hope you are enjoying the summer? Well I am, or at least I’m trying to. :). Frankly speaking, I have not really been my chatty energetic self these days. Don’t ask me why, because honestly, I have no idea. Recently I find myself feeling unmotivated, and this often leads to laziness in my case. I have a long list of videos to shoot and upload on My YouTube Channel  (which by the way is becoming very demanding lately due to the tons of video requests I get by email). Thank God I enjoy making these videos, if not, who knows, maybe I would have given up by now. *chuckles*

So, back to the topic,  would I say I am unhappy? No. I may spend the whole day walking to and fro the almost empty apartment (relax, we are moving :D), in an unmotivated lazy zombie walk, but as the day draws to an end, thoughts of being together as a Family again fills my heart and I am revitalized. Now what would you say is the reason for this state of mind? Surely I know the Lord. I love Him and He loves me. 

Oh yeah! Don’t you know that You are precious to Him? In fact the main thing that keeps me occupied everyday (when i’m not shooting or editing a video), is Gospel music. I have a long playlist on Spotify that I listen while I cook, clean, pack, and even think. Or maybe the simple truth is that I need some new friends. 

Be True To Your Heart

 I do have some YouTube, internet friends (haha). I also have some physical friends that I haven’t seen in a long while. Some live in a very far away land, some are out of touch (but not out of mind though), some are very busy, and some have found new friends. :). So yeah, maybe I need to focus on meeting new people and making new friends. I guess I just have to create time for socializing (with my 11 months old daughter fastened to my waist belt).

Be true to your heart

I have this necklace pendant with these beautiful words inscribed in it; Be True To Your Heart. This morning I found myself constantly pondering over those words. So I asked myself; Am I being untrue to my heart? Have I stopped doing those things that give me Joy? What are those things that make me who I am? Do I still find passion in those things? And then voila!  I found my answers! I realized that I have gotten waaaay too busy with things and stuff. Like I said earlier, we are moving to a new place and I have a lot of packing and planning to do.

 I have a new baby to take care of, I have a YouTube channel, and a Blog, and Facebook groups and Pages to manage. The list is endless. But what about Me? How often do I take time out for me? I have a blog post where I talked about taking time for oneself and de-stressing. You can click here to read it.

Now why am I saying all these? My dear, I just want to encourage and remind you of these basic things which we tend to forget sometimes. In all things, at every point in time, it is absolutely necessary that you stay true to your heart. It is okay to get busy with things sometimes. In fact, we cannot avoid that. 

But what you can do for yourself is to make sure that amidst all that hustle and bustle, you find time for the things that make you happy. Look inward and listen to your heart, pay close attention to your passion, and most importantly; Be true to your heart. You Gotta Do This For You.

That’s it friends! I hope this motivates you and puts a smile on your face today. See you in the next post.



Written by Olivia Kumpula

Olivia Kumpula is a Nigerian lady resident in Finland, and documenting her thoughts and experiences as well as the experiences of other Foreigners, Immigrants, and Refugees living in Finland in the form of Blog posts, YouTube Videos, Interviews, Books, and Newspaper Articles. Olivia who is also a Wife, and a Mother, holds a Law degree from Nigeria, and a Master of International and Comparative Law degree from Finland, with specialization in Trans-cultural Business Law. Apart from observing, researching, and documenting about Life in Finland generally as it differs from, or is similar to other cultures, especially the African culture, she also finds tremendous satisfaction from spending quiet moments in nature, or just staring into space, or creating works of Fiction.

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