Food And Fit: Do What Works Best For You.

April 17, 2017

So recently i have been trying to loose some of the baby fat i gathered during my pregnancy. Presently i am very impressed with the results so far. Initially losing this weight was such a Herculean task not because the extra fat was unbeatable, but…

Do what works best for you.

This morning as i was having a quiet ‘me time’ and nursing my morning cup of tea, the leftover salmon pie in the refrigerator kept popping up on my mind. It took a whole lot of energy not to dash to the fridge and just cut a piece for myself. :). I must admit though, most of the energy came from the fact that I was saving the salmon pie for brunch later. Haha :D. Looking at my big stomach, I hesitated the more. Seriously, this baby fat is so stubborn.

So recently i have been trying to loose some of the baby fat i gathered during my pregnancy. Presently i am very impressed with the results so far. Initially losing this weight was such a Herculean task not because the extra fat was unbeatable, but because heavy exercising and all that back breaking moves are not just my thing. I love exercising, but when it comes to the serious heavyweight, muscle building type of workout, then I’m as lazy as a whale. Over the years, till now, i have always successfully lost weight with Food, and very little (basic) exercises at home.  So i was like; ‘Why not just do what works best for you?’.

All i have to do is watch out for the ingredients on the pack, make sure i check and cross check them before buying any food product, cut down on sugar, eat lots of veggies and leafy greens, stay away from foods that are too fatty, make sure i don’t eat late at night, and so on. I call them Health Hacks.

Be True To Your Heart

All these has proven to be a very effective way of losing weight for me. When it comes to daily exercises, keeping it simple but consistent has given me the best result possible. Initially, i would take on the exercise with all vehemence and zeal but end up overworking myself. So i decided to stick to the basic easy exercises like Walking, sit ups, squats, and the likes. With these, i am sure of a gradual consistent weight loss journey without having to break my back or burn myself out.

So yes girl, it’s alright to want that ‘perfect’ bikini body and flat stomach. But it is definitely most satisfying to be Healthy. Exercising should not only be done because you want to loose weight, but because you want to be Healthy, Fit and Happy. So honey, Find out what suits your body best and Do what works best for you.


Written by Olivia Kumpula

Olivia Kumpula is a Nigerian lady resident in Finland, and documenting her thoughts and experiences as well as the experiences of other Foreigners, Immigrants, and Refugees living in Finland in the form of Blog posts, YouTube Videos, Interviews, Books, and Newspaper Articles. Olivia who is also a Wife, and a Mother, holds a Law degree from Nigeria, and a Master of International and Comparative Law degree from Finland, with specialization in Trans-cultural Business Law. Apart from observing, researching, and documenting about Life in Finland generally as it differs from, or is similar to other cultures, especially the African culture, she also finds tremendous satisfaction from spending quiet moments in nature, or just staring into space, or creating works of Fiction.

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