Integration Projects for Immigrants in Finland: Promoting Voluntarism; Liikkumalla liki

August 8, 2018

Integration Projects for Immigrants.

Hello there, hope you are doing great today. My Finland Story has been working on some Integration Projects for Immigrants closely with Arktiset Maahanmuuttajat/Arctic Immigrants (AMA), and some other organizations.

Theme: Promoting Voluntarism Among Immigrants.

The main idea is to encourage and promote Voluntarism among Immigrants here in Rovaniemi, and hopefully beyond the borders of this city. The goal is that Immigrants can get established independently via various strategic activities, hobbies and skills pioneered by the targeted individuals themselves. Today, we just published the first video in this project.

Liikkumalla liki – Get Near; Rakas Rovaniemi

We also had a food tasting session full of yummy cultural delicacies from different parts of the world.


For more on Integration Projects for Immigrants and collaboration work see the Projects and Collaborations Submenu.




Written by Olivia Kumpula

Olivia Kumpula is a Nigerian lady resident in Finland, and documenting her thoughts and experiences as well as the experiences of other Foreigners, Immigrants, and Refugees living in Finland in the form of Blog posts, YouTube Videos, Interviews, Books, and Newspaper Articles. Olivia who is also a Wife, and a Mother, holds a Law degree from Nigeria, and a Master of International and Comparative Law degree from Finland, with specialization in Trans-cultural Business Law. Apart from observing, researching, and documenting about Life in Finland generally as it differs from, or is similar to other cultures, especially the African culture, she also finds tremendous satisfaction from spending quiet moments in nature, or just staring into space, or creating works of Fiction.

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