Maximizing Your Potentials: Find And Use Your Special Ability To Your Advantage

May 4, 2016

Maximizing your potentials.

So many times we have our eyes focused only on one area of our lives or one business that may not be actually growing the way we want it to grow, or growing at all. The main question is about You. Did you stop growing as a person? No matter what, never stop growing. Never stop speaking positively about yourself or giving yourself a spirit-lifting, motivational pep talk every day. Sounds cliché, but it works.

Today I just want to remind you know that there is so much more to you than you can ever imagine. You have been created with so much potentials within you. You just have to look within and find out that special and unique quality of yours and put it to work for your own advantage.

So below are some of the things you can to do in order to maximize your potentials;

 If you want to know what I think about that award then definitely check out this video below.

1. Step out of your comfort zone: Most of us are just too comfortable being in one place or doing the same thing over and over again. We ‘feel comfortable’ doing only those things that we are familiar with. The idea of trying something new sounds so scary to us. Try something new. Invest in some new deal or business as long as you are convinced in your spirit about it and you are wise about it. Ask information from people who have experience in that line of business. Also pray about it in order to get the right direction from God.
2. Never Give Up on Yourself: Did you give up due to past failures and mistakes? Never give up on your dreams. If you have a particular dream when you were a kid, this is the time to pick it up again. 

3. Invest in Yourself: This entails building yourself and developing your skills. Invest in yourself and discover those beautiful skills and potentials of yours that have been buried down deep within you. This is the time to dig them out and use them to your advantage.
4. Learn Something New Everyday: Ensure that no single day passes by without you learning something new about yourself or about a particular matter or subject. Let it be something positive that you can incorporate into your own life for your own growth and benefit. 

Remember, there are so many potentials within you. There is so much more to you than you can ever imagine. Find out what those potentials are, develop them and use them for your own benefit. Learn about yourself everyday because the more you learn about yourself, the more you grow in life. Cheers to learning!



Written by Olivia Kumpula

Olivia Kumpula is a Nigerian lady resident in Finland, and documenting her thoughts and experiences as well as the experiences of other Foreigners, Immigrants, and Refugees living in Finland in the form of Blog posts, YouTube Videos, Interviews, Books, and Newspaper Articles. Olivia who is also a Wife, and a Mother, holds a Law degree from Nigeria, and a Master of International and Comparative Law degree from Finland, with specialization in Trans-cultural Business Law. Apart from observing, researching, and documenting about Life in Finland generally as it differs from, or is similar to other cultures, especially the African culture, she also finds tremendous satisfaction from spending quiet moments in nature, or just staring into space, or creating works of Fiction.

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